I was only breastfed for a week as a baby and I really want to breastfeed my first child given the immense benefits of breastfeeding for both of us.
I worked as a plunket nurse but also was a first time mum. I wanted to prepare all that I can to support a successful breastfeeding journey. I had done a lot of ‘homework’ and prepared a cupboard full of lactation cookies and supplements etc.
The first few weeks were tough. I was adamant that I had a good latch but it still hurt a lot in the first week. It definitely caused a lot of self-doubt and was tempted to medicalize the issue. I had a good midwife, and she and her student both were great at supporting my breastfeeding journey. The pain luckily went away after a week.
Since then although my baby had good weight gains, it was still very easy to second guess my supply so I now can fully appreciate how breastfeeding can be challenging for many women.