Aroha was born in Te Waiharakeke (Blenheim) and now lives in Ōtautahi with her partner and daughter. She has whakapapa links to Ngāti Kuia, Ngāti Apa, Rangitāne ki Wairau, Ngāti Toa, Te Atiawa, Muaupoko, Rangitāne and Ngāti Raukawa.
Aroha considers herself a ‘jack of all trades’ and has a varied work background.
Whānau is what is most important to Aroha, when she is not at work she is spending quality time with those she loves.
Aroha is passionate about Te Ao Māori and wants to see more Indigenised spaces all over Aotearoa. She believes that a strong grounding in tīkanaga Māori at a young age will provide a brighter future.