Whānau Mai antenatal education programme - Te Puawaitanga ki Ōtautahi


Whānau Mai antenatal education programme

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Whānau Mai is an antenatal education programme that provides an important connection to te ao Māori and traditional birthing practices.

The course covers the journey through pregnancy, childbirth, the early weeks of parenting and wellbeing while hapū, breastfeeding, labour, birth and after pēpi is born. These hands-on classes enable hapū whānau to weave their own muka cords, mould a clay ipu whenua and create their own mirimiri oil and kopakopa balm.

“I came home feeling full from the beautiful and healthy kai and this has supported my hapū daughter to understand more about what pregnancy involves. She came home happy and sharing what she has done and learned. Thank you for allowing her to be part of Whānau Mai. We will definitely be at the next one.”

Our upcoming classes

“I just wanted to take this time to thank you for your knowledge and sharing your experiences with us today. I loved how comfortable and at home I felt and the different kōrero. It was helpful information and good to be reminded.”