Family Start Family Start is an intesive home visiting programme to improve tamariki health, growth and whānau circumstances Referral Form
Incredible Years® Parenting Programme Incredible Years® is a 14-week group programme to develop knowldge and skills to build positive relationships with tamariki. Please email your form to IYP Enrolment – Registration Form 2024
Māmā 2 Māmā Breastfeeding Peer Counsellor Programme Those who want to support others, can train through our Māmā-2-Māmā programme to become a breastfeeding peer counsellor Sign up form
Rongoā Rongoā services include mirimiri, taonga pūoro, karakia/ pastoral care, romiromi and whitwhiti kōrero Whakarite i te wā / Book here
Support to Access Early Childhood Education and/or School Support to understand and access Early Childhood Education (ECE) options We tautoko Māori and Pasifika whānau with tamariki aged three to five and a half years old to enrol into an appropriate early childhood education centre and maintain attendance. Make a referral
Tamariki Ora Well Child Service Provides Well Child checks to whānau with pēpi and tamariki from birth to five years old. Referral Form
Wahakura Wānanga Learn how to make a safe sleeping space for pēpi at our two-day wānanga for whānau. No weaving experience necessary. Rēhita ināianei / Sign up
Whānau Mai, antenatal education A te ao Māori journey that prepares whānau for pregnancy, childbirth and the early weeks of parenting. Referral Form
Whānau Ora Navigator Whānau Ora Navigators can help you plan for now and the future to reach your goals. Referral form