Ko Aoraki tōku maunga Ko Waitaki, ko Waihōpai, ko Waimakariri ōku awa Ko Takitimu, ko Uruaokapuarangi ōku Waka Ko Kāi Tahu, ko Kati Māmoe, ko Waitaha ōku Iwi Ko Tahu Potiki tōku Whare Tūpuna Ko Reginald Wills, ko Makareta Puwai Te Otomarewa Fowler, ko Wiremu John McCulloch, ko Charlotte Anne Blair, ko Paul Karaitana ratou tupuna Ko Joseph Peter Te Rakiwhakaputa Wills tōku pāpā Ko Raewyn Anne McCulloch tōku māmā Ko Sarah-Anne Waihoaka Wills tōku ingoa Ko Peter Royce Mischewski tōku hoa tāne Ko Cale Wiremu Karaitiana Wills tāku tamati Sarah was born in Bluff and raised in the Chatham Islands / Rekohu / Wharekauri. Sarah trained in hospitality and tourism which took her home to the Chatham Islands to work for the local airline prior to training to Southhampton in the United Kingdom when she worked for Cunard Seabourn Ltd and later Museum Hotel in Wellington. She became a māmā in 2005 and when her son was 18 months old, she decided to move to Ōtautahi and train to become a midwife. She led the Oranga Team at the Trust before stepping into the Clinical Kaiwhakahaere role. Sarah is passionate about improved health outcomes for all whānau. Through her mahi to improve equity and pae ora, Sarah helps people connect to their mana as Māori, just as she did as a wahine Māori. Whānau is important to Sarah. She enjoys her garden, reading, exploring our motu including walking beside our moana or in our ngahere.